
This needs to be talked about more.

2 activists arrested following banner drop at Hoover mall

6th person arrested as latest Galleria shooting protest reaches Target

Protesters For EJ Bradford Arrested In Hoover

Hoover police arrest protester at Riverchase Galleria

People are being ARRESTED for protesting at the mall where 21 year old EJ Bradford was murdered by Hoover police.

Let’s get that into our heads. People are being ARRESTED for PEACEFULLY protesting. Don’t get me wrong, this is nothing new by any means. Unarmed black people are continuously murdered by police officers that claim “they felt threatened” by said person. Apparently this excuse can be used over and over to “justify” the murders of unarmed black people; And to think that people say white privilege doesn’t exist. I don’t see in the news “unarmed white person murdered by police” very much, if at all. Do you?

EJ Bradford was blamed for firing shots within the Riverchase Galleria, but in all reality, the Hoover police just wanted someone to pin the firing of a weapon on. It was later retracted by the Hoover PD, but what does that say about that department? How can anything they say after that be taken for a fact?

This case is slightly different, though, as EJ was carrying a completely legal weapon. There were reports of multiple other people pulling out their guns after hearing shots being fired within the mall. I have seen people carrying guns in malls with my own eyes, even in this specific mall, the Riverchase Galleria. The Galleria does not allow guns to be carried on its premises, but, it is not clear, according to this article, what can be done, legally, about someone carrying a concealed weapon into an area where guns are not allowed.

I will continue this topic later on, for another blog entry, as this is an ongoing issue.

Happy Holidays!

Whatever you celebrate, Happy Holidays to everyone! Thanks for stopping by today.

So, let’s take a moment to talk about this Tweet.

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 24, 2018

For the love of Christ, can this guy get any more annoying? He sounds like a spoiled brat when he’s babbling about that damn border wall. I absolutely despise when this man continuously whines about not getting his border wall. I actually thought that he was going to make Mexico pay for it, remember?

Video from The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com)

Mr. Trump, if you could get over your border wall, that wouldn’t do anything for safety anyway, the government could be open right now. You wouldn’t have to complain about not getting to go to Mar-a-lago, but most importantly, thousands of government employees would be paid for their work. Over 420,000 federal employees will not be paid (source).

You continuously call for the border wall to be funded, but you repeatedly ignored calls for help in cities like Flint, Michigan, that have gone without clean water for years. If you could not see this by now, the border wall has been an ongoing plot to play to Trump’s racist base that wants nothing else than to shift all of the blame on to people of color. I see it all around the area in which I live; people stating the exact words of Donald Trump during one of his rallies. “When Mexico brings its people, it doesn’t bring its best. It brings its…” Continue it with whatever you want to imagine he said. I’m not going to repeat it all, because it’s only his racist rhetoric to play to his base.

Anyway, enough of my ranting for today. I don’t want to overload on negativity on a day that so many people celebrate. Thank you for stopping by! I hope you have a great holiday, and if you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas!


Hello! Thank you for coming across this blog! My name is Carter Berry, and I am currently the male representative for house district 17 to the State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) of Alabama. I was appointed to my position nearly two years ago, when I was 18. My main job is to represent the democratic voters of Alabama’s house district 17. I hold my position alongside the female representative, Susan Cobb. 

I am also currently a college student majoring in political science. I will get my associates degree in May of 2019. From there, I will transfer to a four year university to continue my studies. 

Again, thank you for coming across my blog. I hope you stick around, and engage in the conversation!

Below from left to right are Susan Cobb (Female SDEC 17 Rep), James C Fields Jr. (former Democratic gubernatorial candidate), and Carter Berry (Male SDEC 17 Rep).38999930_2059678374063938_1117853109519908864_n